Suggestions & Complaints

Non-urgent advice: Want to make a suggestion or complaint to the practice?

Your comments and suggestions are important to us. We want to hear your feedback, good or bad, so that we can make sure our service is as good as it can be. 

Every patient has the right to make a complaint. We understand that we may not always get everything right, and by telling us you will be able to help us improve things.

Non-urgent advice: How to get in touch

Your feedback can be given verbally (to any member of staff, but especially to our Patient Services Team and Patient Services Manager) or in writing - we have a form that you can use if you wish. It is helpful to use this method as it allows us to solve your issue faster. 

If you would prefer to complain directly to NHS England, you can do this via the following routes:

Non-urgent advice: Timeframes

NHS patients in England have 12 months from the event to make a complaint, (or 12 months from the time you become aware of the matter).

We will acknowledge all complaints within three working days. If we expect it to take longer we will explain the reason for the delay and tell you when we expect to finish. When we look into your complaint, we will investigate the circumstances; make sure you receive an apology if this is appropriate, and take steps to make sure any problem does not arise again.

You will receive a final letter setting out the result of any practice investigations within 6 months but we hoped that complaints can be investigated and brought to an agreed conclusion within 28 days.

Non-urgent advice: Further support

If you are not satisfied with the way your complaint has been dealt with by the practice or commissioner, you can contact the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman who can give more information and support.