About Us
Non-urgent advice: Practice Information
Welcome! We are a group of two surgeries at Matlock (Imperial Road) and Ashover (Ashover Medical Practice). You are welcome to register with either practice, and our doctors and staff move between both sites
Imperial Road Surgery is situated on the roadside, with ramp access available. Most of our consulting rooms are on the ground floor of the surgery and are accessible by wheelchair.
Ashover Medical Practice is all on one level and has good wheelchair access.
If you need any help with mobility while in either surgery, please speak to any member of staff.
Imperial Road Surgery has limited on-street parking, including disabled spaces directly outside the surgery. There is ample paid parking available opposite the surgery at a council car park and the M&S car park.
Ashover Medical Centre has lots of free parking outside the surgery.
Patient Participation Group
We are lucky to have an active patient participation group (PPG) at each site, who regularly meet to discuss issues in the local area and work to support the practice. If you would like to know more or become a member, please speak to either site or see more here.
Primary Care Network
We are part of a well run and enthusiastic primary care network (PCN) made up of practices in the Derbyshire Dales. Find out more about the Derbyshire Dales PCN here.
Safe Place
Both surgeries are part of the Safe Place National Network. If you are anxious, scared or at risk while you are out and about and need support, you can walk into either site and ask for help. Find out more here.
Non-urgent advice: Information for Armed Forces Veterans
We are proud to be an Armed Forces veteran friendly accredited GP practice.
There is extra support available if you have served even one day in the Armed Forces (Army, Navy and Royal Air Force).
For more information please see our dedicated page here.
Non-urgent advice: Feedback
We are always seeking to improve our services to our patients and their relatives. Please see our Feedback page for more information and how you can leave feedback for us.